Setting UTF-8 encoding in a JSP (changing ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 on IBM Rational Application Developer)

Today, I was integrating a custom JSP component into IBM WCM and I noticed some characters were not displaying as expected, after looking into the generated source code in Firefox I realized the used encoding was ISO-8859-1, let me explain what ISO-8859-1 means… According the W3C the ISO-8859-1 encoding: ISO-8859-1 is the default character set in…

How to know jQuery version using Firebug console

This is a little tip for today: sometimes, you don’t have access to know what version of jQuery is loaded in a website or web application, so you can use the Firebug console to know what version is actually loaded. Just, type one of the next lines and you will obtain that data. Both major…

Solving “The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element mvc:annotation-driven”

If you are using Spring to create an awesome enterprise application and you are a beginner like me this article is for you. Today when I was integrating new configurations to Spring MVC to an existing project an error appeared, this error was related with <mvc-anotation-driven /> annotation. At the beginning I thought it would…

How to solve the “Class has two properties of the same name” JAXB error (WebSphere Application Server)

Today, when I was creating a RESTful service in JavaEE for a dynamic web application to run in IBM® WebSphere  Application Server (WAS) an error like this was appearing: Class has two properties of the same name “userId” this problem is related to the following location: at public java.lang.String at this problem is…

How to integrate a video player in WCM 8 (authoring template + presentation template + flowplayer resources)

When you need to integrate a video player on IBM Web Content Manager, probably you will not find very much documentation, for this reason today I would like to explain how to integrate one of the nicest video players available at this moment; I am talking about Flowplayer. Flowplayer is an HTML5 based player but…