Today, while I was trying to get the latest version of my Node Packages Modules (using npm install), I started to receive this error:
npm ERR! cb() never called!
So, after reading about it and looking for solutions, this was the approach to solve it, hope it helps you:
First of all, verify your node.js version using your terminal with this simple command:
node -v # output sample: v5.4.0
In my case the engine I was running for Node was out of date. So here’s how I fix it. These steps are from David Walsh’s blog.
Clear your npm cache:
sudo npm cache clean -f
Install the latest version of the Node helper:
npm install -g n
Tell the helper (n) to install the latest stable version of Node:
sudo n stable
After previous commands finish you will be up-to-date. Let’s run our install again:
npm install
Enjoy your clean node_modules directory!
Issue when running npm install: npm ERR! cb() never called! SOLVED