This short script could help you find blank lines at the beginning or the end of a set of files (in this case in the same directory where you run this script).
for f in `find . -type f`; do for t in head tail; do $t -1 $f |egrep '^[ ]*$' >/dev/null && echo "blank line at the $t of $f"; done; done
To run this command:
1) Open your terminal (en GNU/Linux or UNIX-Like OS, it doesn’t work in any Microsoft Windows OS).
2) You can copy and paste the command or if you prefer put it in a single line, go ahead the command also will work!
for f in `find . -type f`; do for t in head tail; do $t -1 $f |egrep '^[ ]*$' >/dev/null && echo "blank line at the $t of $f"; done; done
Thanks to the original post in stackoverflow:
That’s it. Be happy with your code!